Core Recon Bio-Reactor is an impressive stove that may even outperform the Core 4 while weighing only 8.1 oz. Its got a thinner profile so it can support smaller pots but its just as deep as the Core 4 so you can fit more fuel in lengthwise than the Core M4. Its an ideal ratio of fuel port width to stove width.
There's something about the thinner profile and extra holes in the bottom burn plate that allow fresh air to get to the fuel better. You can see it in action at the end of the video below.
In case you're not able to find any dry wood, the Recons' top TLUD plate also supports a Trangia, Esbit or Evernew alcohol stove at the optimum distance from your pot by setting it in the TLUD plate opening.
The Core Recon kit includes;
- 1 Front Mini Panel
- 2 Full Size Side Panels
- 1 Side Mini Panel
- 2 Full Size Afterburners
- 1 Mini Afterburner
- 1 Recon Perforated Burn Plate
- 1 Recon TLUD Plate
- 1 Door
- 1 Stove Bag
The stove bag is waterproof coated nylon pack-cloth and can be used to carry water or as a mini wash/rinse station.
- Assembled Stove: 8.1 oz
- Assembled Stove w/Door: 8.4 oz
- Total Kit Weight w/Bag: 8.7 oz

The Core Recon can fit the same length of fuel inside as the Core 4

Size Comparison: Core 4, Core Recon (center), Core M4

Check out this great video by Core Recon owner AngryDaddyBird
Compatable Alcohol Stoves