Core M4 Ultralight Titanium is a mini version of the Core 4 Ultralight Ti. It's a great performer and only weighs 5.2 oz!
It's made from Titanium and so light you almost dont' know it's there. It's just the right size to support small cup sized cook pots without extra parts.
The M4 is 6 inches tall so its got a great stovepipe draft that helps to continously suck fresh oxygen into the heart of the fire. The M4 doesn't get all clogged up with charcoal after a few minutes of use either. It's perforated burn plate has been tuned (through much trial and error) with just the right amount of holes to allow the stove to be self cleaning while still holding heat in the burn chamber and using fuel conservatively. The M4 can run a full log's worth of fuel through it without cloging up with charcoal for continous cooking.
Solid Burn Plate Option:
There have been many requests for a solid burn plate option so we made it happen. More info on the solid burn plate is available HERE.
Doesn't burn as good as the perforated burn plate but keeps sparks and coals from getting to the ground and makes a deeper coal bed.
The Core M4 Ultralight kit includes;
- 1 Front Mini Panel
- 3 Mini Side Panels
- 1 Mini Perforated Burn Plate
- 1 Mini Triangle Burn Plate
- 1 Door
- 1 Stove Bag
The stove bag is waterproof coated nylon pack-cloth and can be used to carry water or as a mini wash/rinse station.
- Assembled Stove: 5.2 oz
- Assembled Stove w/Door: 5.5 oz
- Total Kit Weight w/Bag: 6.0 oz
- 6 in tall
- 5 in x 5 in wide at widest point
- 3.2 in x 3.2 in wide at top

High quality waterproof pack cloth (not the cheap stuff) stove bag. Made in the USA (expensive :P).

Size comparison: Core 4 (Left) and Core M4 (Right)

Core M4 High Cleanout Burn Plate Reduces Charcoal Buildup

Here's a great review of the Core M4 by TheGearWhores:
Review: MSP Core M4 Stove